Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Interview at the studio

Conversation at my temporary studio in NCCA Ekaterinburg
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Interview with the Smart Wednesday project (video)

I became a guest of the Smart Wednesday series of dialogues with artists
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Assemblage project’s archive

Have a look at the project draft on “Shishim Hill” art residence web site
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Publication in the project «Reflections»

Garage Museum is launching Reflections, a project to support artists and authors writing about art and culture
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Interview about my exhibition experience published an interview where I talked about my past exhibition experience
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Top 100 young artists 2019

Took the 28th place in the InArt top 100 young artists
Anastasia Bogomolova — News. Anastasia Bogomolova | Artist

Promo video for «Lookbook»

Garage Museum made an amazing promo video for my project “Lookbook”