“Obratka” (Reverse)
September 16 — October 23, 2022
Foyer of the Cinema and Conference Hall, Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg
Curators: Dmitry Bezuglov, Alisa Sycheva
Architects: Elizaveta Antropova, Veronika Fomina
The exhibition is organized with the support of the СTB Film Company.
The exhibition is devoted to the Brother (1997) — the cult and controversial movie directed by Alexei Balabanov; a rare conversation about Russian-speaking culture is complete without mentioning this film and its director. The artworks presented in the exposition refer to the plots of the picture, and the exhibition itself — to Balabanov’s directing method. Projects created by Ural contemporary artists specifically for the exhibition coexist with quotes from interviews with the director, his colleagues and critics. My new project “Decision altitude” curated by Anton Valkovsky will be premiered at this exhibition.


Invitation to the Malt AIR residence

Participation in the exchange program in Stockholm

The Bakal project at the exhibition “Point 55.754630, 37.638530”

The 2nd Ural Kvartirale

Interview at the studio

“Eurotour” was mentioned in the publication of the Moscow Art Magazine

Gomma Grant finalist

Open studio

Winner of the Present Continuous contest

Participation in the conference “The Art and Practices of Hospitality”

Artist talk and start of the lab “Geology of ideas” in Yekaterinburg

A print from the project “Under the Dome” is a part of the AW Auctions

Installation views of Assemblage project on NOVA ART exhibition

Assemblage was granted by NOVA ART 8