Interview & video in the Gathering magazine
The publication is devoted to the work processes in the Garage Studios

The start of work at the Garage Studios
Until the end of November, I’m working here on two new artist books

Park Carey’s article on “A Collection of Exercises”
Professor of the National Institute for Unification Education on my project for the MMCA Residency Changdong

Invitation to the art residency of the Garage Museum
I will start working at the residency in September

“A Collection of Exercises” at the exhibition in Seoul
From November 24, 2023 at MMCA Residency Changdong, Seoul, South Korea

Start of the work within the residency program in Switzerland
From August to November, I will work on research for the Eurotour project

Essay “Fred for jorder” now is available in Danish
The text was written for the Malt AIR (Denmark)

Project for MMCA Residency Changdong (South Korea)
Til mid-August, I’m working remotely on a project for the MMCA Residency Changdong

The results of artist research at the Malt AIR
Read the text about my work at the residency and an essay

Open studio at the Malt AIR
May 23, 17:00–19:00. Villa Lundberg, Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Artist talk at the Malt AIR
May 17, 16:00. BrewPub, Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Starting work at the Malt AIR
Working period: March-June. Location: Ebeltoft, Denmark

Invitation to the Malt AIR residence
It’s planned that I’ll work in residence in Ebeltoft (Denmark) in March-June 2023

Working in The Shishim Hill artist-in-residence
From April 1 to May 25, 2020. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Artist talk in Bern (CH)
November 16, 2019, 5:00 pm. Kunstraum Dreiviertel, Monbijoustrasse 69, Bern

Selected for Pro Helvetia studio residency 2019
Preparing for my first residency in Switzerland starting in September