Mediations at the Garage Studios
November 9 and 16, 16:00, Garage Studios, VDNKh

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Participation in the Collectio! Art Fair
December 16, 1:00 pm — 9:00 pm. Yeltsin Center Atrium, Yekaterinburg

Open studio at the Malt AIR
May 23, 17:00–19:00. Villa Lundberg, Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Artist talk at the Malt AIR
May 17, 16:00. BrewPub, Maltfabrikken, Ebeltoft, Denmark

Video from the Visions of Ecology webinar at the Macmillan Center
The event took place in November 2022

Artist talk at Umeå Academy of Fine Arts (Sweden)
November 23, 10:00 am, Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå, Sweden

Webinar “Visions of ecology” at the Macmillan Center, Yale
November 4, Friday, 12:00 pm EST, Zoom; Whitney and Betty Macmillan Center, Yale University, USA

Workshop “CV and portfolio for artists” in Arkhangelsk
September 17–18, Arkhangelsk Center for Contemporary Art

The 2nd Ural Kvartirale
April 17, 16:00–19:00. NCCA in Ekaterinburg. Free admission

Open studio
February 19, 16:00–18:00. NCCA in Ekaterinburg. Free admission

Participation in the conference “The Art and Practices of Hospitality”
November 25–28, Vyksa AiR

Artist talk and start of the lab “Geology of ideas” in Yekaterinburg
October 20, 19:00, NCCA Yekaterinburg library

Participation in Long Night of Museums' event in Chelyabinsk
A fragment of my project “Under the dome” will become a part of the happening about meteorite fall

Sketch of the Eurotour installation within the Ural Kvartirale
The Ural Kvartirale is an artist-run series of exhibitions in private spaces

Public talk in Yekaterinburg (RU)
February 22, 2020, 3:00 pm
The SWAP CAMP festival
Greenwich Shopping Mall, the area nearby the fountain, level 2

Artist talk in Bern (CH)
November 16, 2019, 5:00 pm. Kunstraum Dreiviertel, Monbijoustrasse 69, Bern