On February 19, I will share the first results of my work in the temporary studio at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts / NCCA Ekaterinburg. The viewers will be able to get acquainted with one of my current projects — “Assemblage”. In this series of photo performances, I explore the fragile boundaries of ecological niches, creating impossible combinations of natural materials on my own body. In 2021, “Assemblage” was awarded as a finalist of Nova Art 8 contest, the work on this project was supported by a grant.
In my studio in Ekaterinburg, I will show some fresh images and documentation of the process, materials that I use in shooting and the ambient sound for upcoming video. Moreover I will talk in details about the concept of “Assemblage” and the genealogy of this work, which had been started in 2015, but was changed since the first idea appeared.

Winner of the Present Continuous contest

Participation in the conference “The Art and Practices of Hospitality”

Artist talk and start of the lab “Geology of ideas” in Yekaterinburg

A print from the project “Under the Dome” is a part of the AW Auctions

Installation views of Assemblage project on NOVA ART exhibition

Assemblage was granted by NOVA ART 8

The Assemblage project is among the NOVA ART 8 winners

Participation in Long Night of Museums' event in Chelyabinsk

Interview with the Smart Wednesday project (video)

Assemblage project is included in NOVA ART longlist

Updated artist statement

Read two new critical texts about my artistic practice

Sketch of the Eurotour installation within the Ural Kvartirale

Assemblage project’s archive